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C语言设计案例源代码,算法等等C语言设计案例源代码,算法-C language source code case design, algorithm, etc. C language source code case design, algorithm, etc.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2934 Publisher : 唐爱六

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C4.5文档说明(数据类型,运行环境)-The explain of C4.5 document(data type,run environment)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 17408 Publisher : 阿水

Efficient C4.5
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 175104 Publisher : 方贞

C4.5算法进行决策树生成 以信息增益最大的属性作为分类属性,生成决策树,从而得出决策规则。-C4.5 decision tree algorithms to generate information gain the greatest attribute as a classification attributes, generate decision tree, and came to decision-making rules.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 11264 Publisher : 亚亚

数据挖掘c4.5算法(vc语言版本)欢迎大家下载测试!!!! - The data mining c4.5 algorithm (vc language edition) welcome everybody downloading test! ! ! !
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 156672 Publisher : 万喜

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数据挖掘中的决策树C4.5算法的实现,用matlab实现-Data Mining Decision Tree Algorithm of C4.5, using Matlab to achieve
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2048 Publisher : 利军

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这是数据挖掘分类算法中的C4.5算法的C实现版本,为Linux下的,希望对大家有所帮助。-This is the classification of data mining algorithms to the C4.5 algorithm to achieve the C version of Linux. We want to help.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 160768 Publisher : cnjn

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c4.5主要函数的matlab实现,简单易懂,扩展性很强-c4.5 main function of the Implementation of Matlab, simple, strong expansion
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2048 Publisher : 郝琳

以从医院病案室获得的3022例数据为样本,在完成样本数据库以及糖尿病并发症的多维数据集设计后,以糖尿病并发症流行病学知识发现为重点,研究定性数据定量化挖掘模型及算法引擎的设计与实现,即将关联模型引入糖尿病并发症的流行病学研究.运用决策树技术对数据样本进行分析,采用C4.5找到最优决策树-cases from the hospital to obtain the data for 3,022 cases samples the completion of the sample database and diabetic complications multidimensional data sets design, Complications of diabetes epidemiology knowledge discovery as the focus, Quantitative study of qualitative data mining engine model and algorithm design and implementation, Relational Model forthcoming introduction of diabetic complications epidemiological studies. the use of decision tree technical data samples for further analysis. C4.5 used to find optimal decision tree
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 308224 Publisher : Eric Cheng

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ID3+C4.5的源程序。用于数据挖掘决策算法的一个实例。-ID3 C4.5 of the source. Data Mining for a decision algorithm examples.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 5120 Publisher : 张飞

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数据挖掘算法中,有关决策树算法c4.5的实现,c4.5是在ID3基础上实现的,有这比id3还好的功能-Data mining algorithms, the decision tree algorithm c4.5 realization, c4.5 is based on ID3, with this function better than id3
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 160768 Publisher : 司马腾

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决策树是表达知识的一种有效形式,这个是挖掘决策树的经典c4.5算法-Decision tree is to express an effective form of knowledge, this is a classic mining decision tree algorithm c4.5
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 261120 Publisher : mameng

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C4.5算法有如下优点:产生的分类规则易于理解,准确率较高。其缺点是:在构造树的过程中,需要对数据集进行多次的顺序扫描和排序,因而导致算法的低效。此外,C4.5只适合于能够驻留于内存的数据集,当训练集大得无法在内存容纳时程序无法运行。-C4.5 algorithm has the following advantages: the classification rules easier to understand, accurate and a higher rate. Its shortcomings are as follows: in the tree structure, the need for a number of data sets the order of scanning and sorting, thus leading to inefficient algorithms. In addition, C4.5 can only be applied to the presence of a data set in memory, when the training set too great to accommodate in memory when the program can not run.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : xinyuanwo

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C4.5决策树算法,使用VC++实现的,比较好用 -C4.5 decision tree algorithm, use VC++ Realize relatively easy to use
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 161792 Publisher : 王宇琴

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数据挖掘中的c4.5算法 给予决策树-Data Mining in the given decision tree algorithm c4.5
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 3072 Publisher : gezn

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通过C4.5 的实现可以进行构建决策树 来进行有效的分类-Through the realization of C4.5 decision tree can be constructed to carry out an effective classification
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 538624 Publisher : shi

决策树算法C4.5源码, The directory Data contains some sample datasets. Many interesting data collections are maintained by the University of California, Irvine, in a data repository-C4.5 decision tree algorithm source, The directory Data contains some sample datasets. Many interesting datacollections are maintained by the University of California, Irvine, in adata repository
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 148480 Publisher : 张耀

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C4.5决策树算法C语言实现,经编译,基本上可用-Work out C4.5 using C
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 149504 Publisher : Betty

决策树c4.5算法的c++实现 希望对大家有用-C4.5 decision tree algorithm c++ to achieve useful for all of us hope
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2597888 Publisher : fanglixia

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Quinlan s C4.5 算法的实现-the implementation of C4.5 [教學文件]-Quinlan s C4.5 algorithm-the implementation of C4.5 [Teaching documents]
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 63488 Publisher : kengi
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