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多数程序设计语言处理整数的能力时有限的,如C语言中,int类型数据范围是-32768-32767。实际问题的处理过程中往往涉及大整数的运算,如RSA加密算法要求至少64bit的整数,设计算法实现大整数的加减运算。-majority programming language processing integral to the limited capacity, such as C language, int data type is the scope -32768-32767. Practical problems of the treatment process often involves large integer arithmetic, such as the RSA encryption algorithm requires at least 64-bit integers, design algorithm large integer addition and subtraction operations.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3054 Publisher : 陈晓岚

DL : 0
这个程序是网络信息安全概论课的课程实践,自己动手编写一个具于1024位大数 运算的ELGamal加密系统。 ELGamal 依赖大数运算,目前主流ELGamal算法都建立在512 到1024位的大数运算之上。 而大多数的编译器只能支持到64位的整数运算,即我们在运算中所使用的整数必须小 于等于64位,即:0xffffffffffffffff,也就是18446744073709551615,这远远达不 到RSA 的需要,于是需要专门建立大数运算库来解决这一问题-network information security Introduction of the course in practice, personally prepared with a majority in the 1024 operations ELGamal encryption system. ELGamal rely on large numbers efficiently, Currently mainstream ELGamal algorithms are built on 512-1024 Operators of large numbers above. Most of the compiler can only support 64-bit integer operations, Operators that we are used to be rounded up to less than 64, namely : 0xffffffffffffffff. 18446744073709551615 is, it is far less than the needs of the RSA, therefore need to establish specialized majority of the operation to resolve this problem
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 91962 Publisher : 明江

DL : 0
Program In VB
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24954 Publisher : 林菁明

多数程序设计语言处理整数的能力是有限的,如C语言中,int类型数据范围是-32767----32767。实际问题的处理过程中往往涉及大整数的运算,如RSA加密算法要求至少64bit的整数,本程序是设计算法实现大整数的加减运算。-majority programming language processing is integral to the limited capacity, such as C language, int data type is the scope -32767 ---- 32767. Practical problems of the treatment process often involves large integer arithmetic, such as the RSA encryption algorithm requires at least 64-bit integers, the procedure is designed algorithm large integer addition and subtraction operations.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 842 Publisher : 王承陶

DL : 0
Program In VB
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 24576 Publisher : 林菁明

多数程序设计语言处理整数的能力是有限的,如C语言中,int类型数据范围是-32767----32767。实际问题的处理过程中往往涉及大整数的运算,如RSA加密算法要求至少64bit的整数,本程序是设计算法实现大整数的加减运算。-majority programming language processing is integral to the limited capacity, such as C language, int data type is the scope-32767---- 32767. Practical problems of the treatment process often involves large integer arithmetic, such as the RSA encryption algorithm requires at least 64-bit integers, the procedure is designed algorithm large integer addition and subtraction operations.
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王承陶

多数程序设计语言处理整数的能力时有限的,如C语言中,int类型数据范围是-32768-32767。实际问题的处理过程中往往涉及大整数的运算,如RSA加密算法要求至少64bit的整数,设计算法实现大整数的加减运算。-majority programming language processing integral to the limited capacity, such as C language, int data type is the scope-32768-32767. Practical problems of the treatment process often involves large integer arithmetic, such as the RSA encryption algorithm requires at least 64-bit integers, design algorithm large integer addition and subtraction operations.
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 3072 Publisher : 陈晓岚

DL : 0
这个程序是网络信息安全概论课的课程实践,自己动手编写一个具于1024位大数 运算的ELGamal加密系统。 ELGamal 依赖大数运算,目前主流ELGamal算法都建立在512 到1024位的大数运算之上。 而大多数的编译器只能支持到64位的整数运算,即我们在运算中所使用的整数必须小 于等于64位,即:0xffffffffffffffff,也就是18446744073709551615,这远远达不 到RSA 的需要,于是需要专门建立大数运算库来解决这一问题-network information security Introduction of the course in practice, personally prepared with a majority in the 1024 operations ELGamal encryption system. ELGamal rely on large numbers efficiently, Currently mainstream ELGamal algorithms are built on 512-1024 Operators of large numbers above. Most of the compiler can only support 64-bit integer operations, Operators that we are used to be rounded up to less than 64, namely : 0xffffffffffffffff. 18446744073709551615 is, it is far less than the needs of the RSA, therefore need to establish specialized majority of the operation to resolve this problem
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 92160 Publisher : 明江

DL : 0
DES算法全称为Data Encryption Standard,即数据加密算法,DES算法把64位的明文输入块变为64位的密文输出块,它所使用的密钥也是64位。RSA的安全性依赖于大数分解。公钥和私钥都是两个大素数( 大于 100个十进制位)的函数。本程序为适合初学者的rsa算法java源码及des源码,开发环境eclipse3.4-DES algorithm called the Data Encryption Standard, that is, data encryption algorithm, DES algorithm to express the 64-bit input block into a 64-bit output ciphertext block, it is also used 64-bit key. RSA' s security depends on the decomposition of large numbers. Public key and private key are two large prime numbers (more than 100 decimal places) of the function. This procedure is suitable for beginners of rsa algorithm java source and des-source, development environment eclipse3.4
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 20480 Publisher : 郭子

DL : 0
安全性大大改进,可算做能完全代替MD5的散列验证算法.-1.Large input message block size 2.provably resistant to differential attacks 3.Alternative sequential mode 4.Key input K??of up to 512 bits?? K is input to every compression function 5.1024-bit intermediate (chaining) value root truncated to desired final length? Location (level,index) input to each node 6. Root bit ?(aka “z-bit” or “pumpkin bit”) input to each compression function 7. Operations on 64-bit words The following operations only: –XOR–AND–SHIFT by fixed amounts:
Update : 2024-04-16 Size : 10240 Publisher : haec
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