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1—wire总线的详细介绍,对有设计硬件电路的同志有帮助-1-wire bus detailed description of the hardware design of a circuit to help comrades
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 175104 Publisher : 陈小忠

DL : 0
一种很有用的搜寻算法,对开发1-wire很有用-a very useful search algorithm, to the development of 1-wire useful
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 179200 Publisher : 陈小忠

1、方便实用的报表引入引出功能,可直接生成Excel表格,也可将Excel文件导入到系统中。 2、严谨的流程涉及,方便管理以及控制。 3、灵活的报表创建和应用能力,可制作各种学生成绩表。 4、具有学生毕业处理及结业处理功能,可根据处理结果生成历届毕业生资料库以及结业生资料库,更加具有科学性。 5、学生资料详细,学生照片可进行上传、放大、保存等;灵活多样的学籍变动处理,让您在实际处理时得心应手。 6、具有组织机构的编辑功能、使用用户的编辑功能以及数据备份和恢复-Student Management System
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 73728 Publisher : 房帅

实现四个功能:一、图和图素1. 定义屏幕坐标2. 在屏幕中心作下列图素:点 • ; 小方块 ■ ;大方块 ■ ; 圆点 ● 。以上述图素画线二、3. 用DDA法画线段;4. 用DDA法画圆。三、已知如图所示的多面体,其各棱边长均相等。要求1. 用步进法(即+1比较法)编写AB线段生成程序;2. 用法线法编写消隐程序;3. 编写让多面体绕其中心轴线旋转30o、45o、60o的程序四.在三的基础上自动绘制各棱边,自由旋转任意角度-realization of the four functions : 1, maps and map-1. Two definition screen coordinates. In the center of the screen-map for the following : Point# 8226; ; small chunks; large chunks; dots. The above map-line drawing two, three. DDA law with painting segment; 4. With DDA Act Circle. 3, as shown in the figure known polyhedron, its edge longer being equal. Requirements 1. Walking France (a comparison) prepared AB segment generated procedures; 2. Usage prepared blanking line method; 3. To prepare for polyhedron around its central axis rotation 30o, 45o, 60o procedures 4. The three on the basis of automatic drawing the edge, the Liberal arbitrary rotation angle
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 251904 Publisher : 张帆

求最小Hamilton回路功能:在n个顶点的带权图G中,一条Hamilton回路是一顶点序列v1,v2,• • • • vn 其中,每个顶点vi由一条边连到vi+1(i=1,2,• • • • • ,n-1),而vn被连到v1。在所有的Hamilton回路中,寻找一条权值和最小的回路,这条回路就是最小Hamilton回路-circuit for the smallest functional Hamilton : n vertices with the right graph G, a Hamilton Circuit is a sequence of vertices v1, v2,# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226 T. which each vertex vi even from one side to a vi (i = 1,2,# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226# 8226, n-1), which was connected to the T. v1. All the Hamilton circuit, finding a value and the right to the smallest circuit, this circuit is the smallest HamiltonianCycle
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 44032 Publisher : 吴剑刚

: 在一个留言本的基础上改造的,已经完完全全是个独立的心理咨询系统,功能说明: 1,可以设置页面显示风格 2,可以把咨询内容设置为保密,那么只有(老师)才可以查看,连管理员也不能浏览! 3,后台可以设置公告! 4,反正功能是很多很多,自己去漫漫浏览吧! 后台管理登陆文件:login.asp 后台管理用户名:枫叶 密码都是:q-: In a message on the basis of the modified, because it is completely independent of psychological counseling system, functions : one, set the style pages 2, the Advisory content can be set to confidentiality, then only (teacher) can see, even the administrator can View! 3, the background can set Notice! 4, since many functions of their visit to long! Landing management background documents : users log management background Name : Maple Leaf passwords are :
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 607232 Publisher : 黄复兴

vc写的一个仿oicq程序 包括oicq的各项功能代码 详细且代注释 -vc write an imitation of Live Wire procedures include the functional code detailed and substituting Notes
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 505856 Publisher : 云水

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用遗传算法求解背包问题是南京航空航天大学信息与计算科学专业编写的.本程序利用遗传算法来求解背包问题.采用二进制字符串编码,1表示选择物体,0则不选择. 背包问题描述:在M件物品取出若干件放在空间为W的背包里,每件物品的重量为W1,W·2……Wn,与之相对应的价值为P1,P2……Pn。求出获得最大价值的方案。注意:在本题中,所有的重量值均为整数。-genetic algorithm knapsack problem is the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Information and Computing Science prepared. The procedure the use of genetic algorithms to solve knapsack problem. binary string encoding, an option objects, 0 no choice. Knapsack Problem Description : M items removed several pieces on the space-W backpack, Each of the weight W1, W 2 ... Wn, the corresponding value of P1, P2 ... Pn. Sought to gain maximum value of the program. NOTE : In this issue, all the weight values are integers.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 25600 Publisher : 王杰

转载别人ds18b20proteus作品希望对proteus library里没有ds18b20的xdjm们有用!-reproduced works ds18b20proteus others hope to proteus librar There's no y ds18b20 the xdjm were useful!
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 122880 Publisher : 曹原

DL : 0
元素唯一性问题:给出一个整数集合,假定这些整数存储在数组A[1…n]中,确定它们中是否存在两个相等的元素。-elements only problem : given an integer, assuming that these integer stored in the array A [1 ... n], determine whether the existence of two equal elements.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 227328 Publisher : 陈馨

Solutions are obtained for Poissson, diffusion, or wave PDEs homogeneous or nonhomogeneous equations and/or boundary conditions rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates time, Laplace, or frequency domains Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, singular, periodic, or incoming/outgoing boundary conditions. Output is suitable for pasting into LaTeX documents.-Solutions are obtained for Poissson. diffusion. or wave PDEs homogeneous or nonhomogeneous equ ations and/or boundary conditions rectangula r, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates time, Laplace, or frequency domains Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, singular, periodic, or incoming/outgoing boundary conditions. Ou tput is suitable for pasting into LaTeX < ts.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 537600 Publisher : 刘易

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Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 177152 Publisher : zhaozhenyu

Dallas 1-Wire ip 非常有用,不占用CPU的时间.-Dallas 1-Wire ip very useful, do not occupy CPU time.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 5120 Publisher : hjy

DL : 0
库存管理系统VB+ACCESS很好的毕业设计-Inventory management system VB ACCESS good graduation project
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 1755136 Publisher : dd

DL : 0
vc源码集,包括特色工具栏,特色状态栏,特色菜单,特色编辑框-vc source code, including features toolbar, status bar characteristics, features menu, features edit box
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 634880 Publisher : 鲍帅

密码锁 1. 出厂的统一密码为个人码″12345678″,管理码″88888888″。 2. 上电时密码锁红绿灯由点点亮到熄灭,表示可以开始输入密码。 3. 操作键板上″#″键为激活键,按″#″键可开启线路板进入工作状态。 4. 操作键板上″*″键在数据输入状态时为淸除键,用于输入错误数字的淸除,每按一次″ *″淸除一位数字,如长按2 秒,红绿灯前后分别亮一下,表示淸除所有数字。 5. 每按一次数字键绿灯闪一下,表示数字已输入。 6. 任何键按下25 秒左右,无后续操作,计算机板自动进入睡眠状态。 7. 一旦进入睡眠状态则所有的操作终止,未完成动作视为无效操作。须按下″#″唤醒重新 进入功能操作。 8. 当红灯点亮时,表示电压不足状态,需更换电池。-err
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 81920 Publisher : easy

DL : 0
基于单总线1-wire芯片DS2431的通讯方法。-Based on single-chip 1-wire bus DS2431 means of communication.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 175104 Publisher : guoguo

识别虹膜和眼毛位置程序。使用方法: 1.载入眼睛图片。 2. 定位实验->虹膜定位:确定虹膜圆心,以及虹膜内外环半径。 3. 定位实验->眼毛检测:结果为两条圆心为端点的折线段,标明没有眼毛的虹膜区域。-Identify iris and eye hair location. Use: 1. Loading eye picture. 2. Positioning Experimental->Iris Location: identification of the iris center and radius of the iris inside and outside the ring. 3. Positioning Experimental->eyes hair detection: the results are the two lines, indicating no eye hair region of the iris.
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 742400 Publisher : glory

介绍一种单总线的网络设计,由于多个DS18B20组成的网络设计(introduce a design of 1-wire BUS)
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 179200 Publisher : wolfchuang

DL : 0
1-Wire _soft.rar 1-Wire _soft.rar
Update : 2024-04-25 Size : 775168 Publisher : johny09892
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