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  • Category : OpenGL program
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  • Update : 2008-10-13
  • Size : 1.48mb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :郭剑
  • About : 郭剑
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
foreign programmers prepared by the OpenGL-based 3D terrain engine. Errain Engine I started working on a terrain eng stimulant around October 2000. I was deeply moved by sc reenshots from black and white : ) My intention and main goal was to create someth ing visually stunning. This meant writing a ter rain texture-generator, and working hard to find good blend textures and ing modes. The outcome is an engine that hold a ('s upposedly) 1km by 1km piece of terrain with very high accuracy. There is no triangle-cutting al gorithm employed. simple brute-force. I use a large terrain textu 're a tiling detail and texture. There's a skybox a nd the terrain reflects on the water. I used Open GL for this one. employing the OGLC skeleton to avoid most of the opengl- win32 business. You
Packet file list
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Packet : filelist
terrain engine/
terrain engine/bin/
terrain engine/bin/Terrain.exe
terrain engine/data/
terrain engine/data/detail.bmp
terrain engine/data/heightmap.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox0.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox1.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox2.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox3.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox4.bmp
terrain engine/data/SkyBox/SkyBox5.bmp
terrain engine/data/terrain-texture3.bmp
terrain engine/readme.txt
terrain engine/source/
terrain engine/source/GLEXT.h
terrain engine/source/imgLoadBMP.cpp
terrain engine/source/imgLoadBMP.h
terrain engine/source/IOFile.cpp
terrain engine/source/IOFile.h
terrain engine/source/OGLCMainHeader.h
terrain engine/source/PTypes.h
terrain engine/source/RImage.cpp
terrain engine/source/RImage.h
terrain engine/source/RTexture.cpp
terrain engine/source/RTexture.h
terrain engine/source/Std.h
terrain engine/source/Win32Framework.cpp
terrain engine/source/YourCode.cpp
terrain engine/tools/
terrain engine/tools/texgen/
terrain engine/tools/texgen/ijl.h
terrain engine/tools/texgen/my_jpg_interface.cpp
terrain engine/tools/texgen/my_jpg_interface.h
terrain engine/tools/texgen/texgen.cpp
terrain engine/tools/texgen/texgen.dsp
terrain engine/tools/texgen/texgen.dsw
terrain engine/tools/texgen/texgen.h
terrain engine/tools/texgen/textures/
terrain engine/VC6Project/
terrain engine/VC6Project/base.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/DynamicCamera.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/DynamicCamera.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/ending.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/ending.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/matrix.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/matrix.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/Terrain.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/Terrain.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/VCProject.dsp
terrain engine/VC6Project/VCProject.dsw
terrain engine/VC6Project/VCProject.sln
terrain engine/VC6Project/VCProject.vcproj
terrain engine/VC6Project/vector.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/vector.h
terrain engine/VC6Project/YourCode.cpp
terrain engine/VC6Project/YourCode.h
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